There’s no doubt the toddler years are hard but guess what? They are actually some of my favorite years! Your little one is developing a personality and can really start to play. Take advantage of this and make all the memories you can! below are some ideas for fun and basic activities to make with toddlers both indoors and out.
52 incredibly fun things to make with toddlers [Easy & fun Activities]
Indoor activities for Toddlers
Here are some terrific indoor activities for those days when you are just hanging out at home with your little one. These also come in helpful when you need to make a phone call or complete an online purchase without someone hanging off your body.
Here are some terrific indoor activities for toddlers:
Bring back a childhood classic! layout pillows and blankets on the floor and then play the floor is lava.
Let your toddler go through the cupboards and pick out some pots and pans to make instruments out of, then form your own band.
Hunker down in an unexpected place, like as inside the closet or under a table. throw a sheet over it and you’ve got a makeshift fort. {tips for a better blanket fort here!}
Have fun with play-doh. concern the mess? keep the playdough in a sealed baggie while your child handles it.
Have a real tea party. We love this gender-neutral set for pretend play and real use and you can sip on lemon water
Get your science on and play with magnets. You can stick them on the fridge or cookie sheets.
Have your little one help with chores around the house (but make it fun!).
Craft something out of one of your leftover cardboard boxes like a fort or car.
Tape up a train track on the rug. Choo Choo!
Read together, and make sure to really get into character!
Create a sensory bin.
Get silly with finger puppets.
Play hopscotch inside.
Practice organizing and sorting. We like to do Cheerios or small candies in a muffin tin.
Pour water between containers at the kitchen counter or in the sink.
Try on all the hats in the house.
Remove everything from the bookshelves. Then, put them all back.
Stick and unstick stickers! On the paper, on your shirt, on your cheek. Hurra!
Create a ball pit out of your old pack n play.
Tear up old magazines or newspapers and make some art.
Play hide-n-seek.
No-mess finger painting.
Have a dance party!
Build an obstacle course out of pillows and cushions.
Solve puzzles together like this Melissa and Doug wooden Puzzle.
Exercise or yoga time! All my kids loved to exercise with me. They would try all my yoga moves and then often try to do their own “versions” of working out. Be prepared, they do get distracted so have a bucket of automobiles or toys for them to play with so you can keep your workout going.
For even a lot more indoor activities check out top fun & educational things to make with toddlers and favorite toys for 2-Year-Olds.
Outdoor things To make with Toddlers
Create a chalk masterpiece.
Play hide-and-seek with small toys or fruit from a tree. give your child a bucket to collect the items you’ve “hidden” at the park or in your yard- Easter Egg Style!
Go on a safari in your backyard. Take picture of little insects or get hold of some binoculars and explore the terrific outdoors.
Play catch. This basic act never gets old. “Let’s go to the park and throw sticks at the bushes!”
Gå på en sykkeltur. put little ones in a bike trailer.
Collect rocks into a container. stack rocks. Line up rocks. I’m shocked they don’t sell rocks at toys R Us. I bet someone has tried.
Play on a water table. My daughter could play endlessly with water and loves pouring water in and out of glasses. here are our favorite water tables!
Start a butterfly garden.
Playing fetch with stomp rockets or other “blast-off and chase” toys.
Run through the sprinklers or a fun Unicorn Sprinkler!
Outings for mommies with Toddlers
Home Depot or other enormous hardware stores. check out the light switches, the doorbells, the orange cones. Basically, everything your kiddo enjoys seeing in the world around him is sold there. look in any way those potties!
Head to the public library. considering that other people’s toys and books are a lot more fun than your own, this is a place to take pleasure in them for an hour or two. No pressure to get anything!
Head to your local zoo. Time to think about a membership, mama!
Head to the playground.
IKEA. If you’re lucky enough to live near one, here’s a list of why it’s amazing for parents.
Chase the garbage truck! Some days are much easier to get out of the house when you know the garbage routes.
Head to the Children’s Museum.
Pitch a tent at REI or Bass pro Shops.
Sip pretend coffee at a kid-friendly cafe. (It’s called steamed milk, and they’ll make it not-too-hot if you ask.)
Visit a friend’s house, where the toys are fresh and novel.
Go anywhere with trains. A train is like magic to a toddler.
PuSH en dukke -barnevogn eller dra en vogn rundt blokka. Enda bedre, finn en venn med en baby i en barnevogn og la smårollingene skyve vognen sin på verdens tregeste tur.
Ha en kulturell opplevelse gjennom mat! Sjekk ut en etiopisk eller sushirestaurant der det er verdslige å spise med hendene.
Finn et innendørs lekeplass med klatring, sprett og leker du ikke trenger å holde hjemme. Jeg elsker å dra til Gymboree -klasser med den lille.
Gå på busstur.
Ta en klasse sammen.
Besøk en botanisk hage med blader for å berøre og bugs for å jage.
Besøk en lokal leketøysbutikk, men hold budsjettet skjult!
Bonus – ideer for å underholde småbarn mens du er ute og om!
Det er veldig bra å komme ut av huset med smårollingene dine, men ofte trenger de litt ekstra underholdning. Her er noen fantastiske ting å holde i vesken for å underholde smårollingene dine mens du venter i linjer eller kjører et ærend de ikke liker.
Bobler – Jeg holder alltid bobler i vesken. Det er øyeblikkelig 15 minutters distraksjon
Trekk biler tilbake – disse er fantastiske og vil holde barnet ditt underholdt, men sørg for at bilene ikke går for langt.
Lekekarakterer fra en favorittfilm-karakterer som Mickey eller Daniel Tiger er en annen fantastisk måte å få litt tid når du trenger kiddo underholdt i 10-15 minutter.
Hvorfor jeg elsker smårollingscenen
Småbarn har den bemerkelsesverdige evnen til samtidig å demonstrere kunnskap om hvordan verden fungerer og cluelessness om deres rolle i den. (Beklager kjære, mamma kommer ikke til å hjelpe deg med å skyve ovnen ut av veien slik at du kan sykle på plastbilen din gjennom den delen av kjøkkenet.) Dette indikerer at de ikke lenger er fornøyd med et aktivitets treningsstudio på gulvet, de er klare for noen mye mer spennende aktiviteter.
Ha spørsmål eller trenger mye flere ideer – legg igjen en kommentar nedenfor! Ta også en titt på vår rookie mamma -gruppe der mammaer stiller spørsmål og del råd.
Pin for senere – ting å lage med småbarn [52 eksepsjonelle aktiviteter]
ofte stilte spørsmål
Hva kan du lage med småbarn?
Bygg et FortPlay-dohplay med magneter på en cookie SheetGive dem en gammel boks for å spille øker en sensorisk binfinger maleri og meg yoga
Bør en toåring kjenne farger?
Barnet ditt vil begynne å gjenkjenne farger rundt 18 måneder gamle, men de begynner kanskje ikke å gjenkjenne navnene sine før rundt 3 år gamle. To er en god alder å begynne å spille spill som involverer farger.
Hvor kan jeg ta toåringen min for moro skyld?
2-åringer er fantastiske små eventyrere og kan identifisere seg sammen med deg omtrent hvor som helst. Parken, dyrehagen, kjøpesenteret, eller bare ute etter en kjøretur.