When you have a 7-month old baby, the day can feel wobbly and slow. A game of peekaboo that elicits gummy smiles feels like the most outstanding thing ever, and then the clock shows that only 45 seconds have gone by and you still have hours much more of the day to entertain that little one. So, we at Rookie mothers are here to help you out with some ideas for things to finish with a 7-month old!
Things To finish with a 7-Month Old to Make the time Go By much more Quickly!
Get a play kit from Lovevery. The 7-8 Month Play kit will help you lay a foundation for essential skills for your little one and you can have fun while doing it!
Show your baby how you can blow bubbles with a straw. (Did you wake up at 5:50 am? It’s now 5:52. but really, if your baby laughs, you can do this throughout the day.)
Take a sensory trip around the neighborhood. You might need about 30 minutes per city block so plan accordingly.
Teach and practice baby sign language. now you can have a real conversation.
Make baby-friendly guacamole and eat it together. Dette er hvordan!
Plan and execute a automobile nap, then listen to a podcast while you clean your dashboard with wipes.
Scour baby Cheapskate for deals.
Introduce your baby to Tupperware. Rearrange your cabinets so that baby has a drawer to rummage through.
Pretend your baby is your personal trainer, coaching you to clean the house. Reassure him that you’re giving it your all as you run around for a set number of minutes.
Feed your baby outdoors. Unless it’s 40 degrees and your baby eats only from your boobs. in that case, revisit this in a couple months.
Take a photo of your baby eating his feet. This is a limited-time skill.
Taking a baby to the swimming pool is scary and funny – having a partner helps!
Find a swimming pool that’s just the best temperature and opt for it. Swimming with a baby is a slippery and gratifying experience.
Bored with your baby’s toys? plan a toy swap.
Make outgrown baby clothes into art. Without sewing.
Read together! It’s never too early to instill a love of reading.
What do you like to finish with your 7-month old? let us know in the comments below!
Things To finish with a 7-Month Old- Pin for Later!
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